Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.005 Release date: 2016-01-26 Added: Compatibility with FEM-Design 15 struxml schema. Added: "0" length analytical beams and columns are detected and blocekd at the export (an error message is sent). Added: "Copy GUID" option is available upon righ clicking on an object that failed the import to Revit. Added: A "Base Level" is created automatically in Revit if one imports a struxml file containing no storeys into a Revit model containing no levels. Added: A warning message is sent when a certain bad analytical wall geometry is being exported to struxml. Changed: Physical model eccentricty (instead of analytical) of beams is exported to struxml. Changed: Physical model eccentricty (instead of analytical) of beams is imported to Revit. Changed: Export eccentricty (of beams) is now a default option as "Export Struxml". Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.004 Release date: 2015-09-02 Added: Compatibility with Revit 2016 Changed: More informative warnings in case of element import fail to Revit. Changed: Save mapping button in the Import Struxml dialog is active even if the mapping is not completed. Changed: GUID duplication issue is handled. Changed: "Search by GUID" checks any GUID assigned to an object. Changed: Imported storeys are now added to existing levels in Revit. Fixed: Export report was sometimes not available In Revit 2015 Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.003 Release date: 2014-12-18 Added: Search GUID feature is introduced. Fixed: Mapping error at export of cold formed steel sections Fixed: Wall eccentricity export error in case of manually adjusted wall analytical model Fixed: Error at exporting curved beams Changed: Mapping list is now filtered to selected elements at export. Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.002 Release date: 2014-09-08 Added: Eccentricity of beams is now exported to struxml. Added: If a Revit model was initially iported from struxml and now is exported back to struxml, a warning message will be thrown if other (than initial) calculation code will be chosen at the export. Added: Saving mapping and loading mapping to/from struxml file. Added: Import of profiles plate panels as floor elements to Revit. is now possible. Added: Extended "Import Report". Added: Multiple elements mapping in the Import StruXMl. Changed: Structural material of beams / columns / braces / isolated foundations can now be exported also as 'Type' parameter. Changed: Multiple floor elements and foundations slabs drawn as one object in Revit are now divided into separate elements when exported to struxml. Changed: When a slanted column in Revit is exported to struxml, a warning in the 'Export report' will be thrown. Fixed: Wall openings could not be created when imported to Revit at some very special cases. Recognized issues: - At some very special situations Revit throws a warning that an imported column could not be rotated (even if a column was not rotated in FEM-Design). - At some very special situations Revit stil can throws a warning that wall opening could not be created. - Import of FEM-Design models created in older versions than 13.01.003 to Revit is not always possible and may create 'Invalid file' warning or crash of Revit (especially in version 2014) Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.001 Release date: 2014-06-25 Added: Import struxml file to Revit. Changed: Brace elements that are exported to FEM-Design are now recognized at Truss elements (not as beams as before) Recognized issues: - If wall foundation is added to a wall that contains a wall opening, after import of those elements to Revit, a wall foundation will also be added to the top edge of the opening. - If a point support group is defined in a local coordinate system of an element that is different than the global coordinate system of the FEM-Design model, and the stiffness of this point support group is not the same in all directions, an error will be thrown and this support will not be imported. - At some very special situations Revit cannot create an opening in an imported wall. Revit StruXML Add-In 1.0.004 Release date: 2013-12-18 Fixed: Error message appeared when trying to export a local file of a central model from Revit 2014. Recognized issues: - If one attempts to open two Revit models containing different data schemas in one Revit session, a warning message may appear. In that case, Revit restart is required to open such a file. Revit StruXML Add-In 1.0.003 Release date: 2013-12-13 Added: Export of loads and load cases. Added: Extended export report. Changed: ublicity level of Add-In data has been changed. It means that the dialog warning about missing StruXML updater (when Revit model exported once to struxml was opened in Revit without add-in installed) will not appear any more for all new files exported using the add-in in version 1.00.003. Fixed: Floor, curved walls and isolated foundation elements were not exported correctly at some very specific cases. Revit StruXML Add-In 1.0.002 Release date: 2013-10-07 Added: Option to export foundations as boundary conditions or foundation elements. dded: Option to export only selected elements. Added: Revit StruXML Add-In Manual is reachable from the export dialog. Added: Update dialog will appear when a new release of Revit StruXML Add-In is available. Changed: Family names of elements are included in warning messages in the export report. Fixed: Export of boundary conditions under curved walls was not correct. Fixed: Error message appeared when analytical model of wall foundation was disabled. Fixed: Error message appeared when analytical alignment of a wall was projected to a reference plane or a grid. Fixed: User defined boundary conditions could not be exported from Revit 2014. Fixed: Horizontal size of the building was calculated based on physical model instead of analytical one.