Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.004 Release date: 2015-09-02 Added: Compatibility with Revit 2016 Changed: More informative warnings in case of element import fail to Revit. Changed: Save mapping button in the Import Struxml dialog is active even if the mapping is not completed. Changed: GUID duplication issue is handled. Changed: "Search by GUID" checks any GUID assigned to an object. Changed: Imported storeys are now added to existing levels in Revit. Fixed: Export report was sometimes not available In Revit 2015 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.003 Release date: 2014-12-18 Added: Search GUID feature is introduced. Fixed: Mapping error at export of cold formed steel sections Fixed: Wall eccentricity export error in case of manually adjusted wall analytical model Fixed: Error at exporting curved beams Changed: Mapping list is now filtered to selected elements at export. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.002 Release date: 2014-09-08 Added: Eccentricity of beams is now exported to struxml. Added: If a Revit model was initially iported from struxml and now is exported back to struxml, a warning message will be thrown if other (than initial) calculation code will be chosen at the export. Added: Saving mapping and loading mapping to/from struxml file. Added: Import of profiles plate panels as floor elements to Revit. is now possible. Added: Extended "Import Report". Added: Multiple elements mapping in the Import StruXMl. Changed: Structural material of beams / columns / braces / isolated foundations can now be exported also as 'Type' parameter. Changed: Multiple floor elements and foundations slabs drawn as one object in Revit are now divided into separate elements when exported to struxml. Changed: When a slanted column in Revit is exported to struxml, a warning in the 'Export report' will be thrown. Fixed: Wall openings could not be created when imported to Revit at some very special cases. Recognized issues: - At some very special situations Revit throws a warning that an imported column could not be rotated (even if a column was not rotated in FEM-Design). - At some very special situations Revit stil can throws a warning that wall opening could not be created. - Import of FEM-Design models created in older versions than 13.01.003 to Revit is not always possible and may create 'Invalid file' warning or crash of Revit (especially in version 2014) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revit StruXML Add-In 1.1.001 Release date: 2014-06-25 Added: Import struxml file to Revit. Changed: Brace elements that are exported to FEM-Design are now recognized at Truss elements (not as beams as before) Recognized issues: - If wall foundation is added to a wall that contains a wall opening, after import of those elements to Revit, a wall foundation will also be added to the top edge of the opening. - If a point support group is defined in a local coordinate system of an element that is different than the global coordinate system of the FEM-Design model, and the stiffness of this point support group is not the same in all directions, an error will be thrown and this support will not be imported. - At some very special situations Revit cannot create an opening in an imported wall. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revit StruXML Add-In 1.0.004 Release date: 2013-12-18 Fixed: Error message appeared when trying to export a local file of a central model from Revit 2014. Recognized issues: - If one attempts to open two Revit models containing different data schemas in one Revit session, a warning message may appear. In that case, Revit restart is required to open such a file. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revit StruXML Add-In 1.0.003 Release date: 2013-12-13 Added: Export of loads and load cases. Added: Extended export report. Changed: ublicity level of Add-In data has been changed. It means that the dialog warning about missing StruXML updater (when Revit model exported once to struxml was opened in Revit without add-in installed) will not appear any more for all new files exported using the add-in in version 1.00.003. Fixed: Floor, curved walls and isolated foundation elements were not exported correctly at some very specific cases. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revit StruXML Add-In 1.0.002 Release date: 2013-10-07 Added: Option to export foundations as boundary conditions or foundation elements. Added: Option to export only selected elements. Added: Revit StruXML Add-In Manual is reachable from the export dialog. Added: Update dialog will appear when a new release of Revit StruXML Add-In is available. Changed: Family names of elements are included in warning messages in the export report. Fixed: Export of boundary conditions under curved walls was not correct. Fixed: Error message appeared when analytical model of wall foundation was disabled. Fixed: Error message appeared when analytical alignment of a wall was projected to a reference plane or a grid. Fixed: User defined boundary conditions could not be exported from Revit 2014. Fixed: Horizontal size of the building was calculated based on physical model instead of analytical one.